Adfocus alternatives and sites similar to Adfocus ( websites like Adfocus ) are listed here so if you are looking for other url shorteners like Adfocus which are legitimate and best replacement or alternatives to Adfocus then you are in the right place. They are not just Adfocus similar sites but also with lots of high paying per click.
If you are earning crazy money with Adfocus and looking for other sites like Adfocus or its equivalents in order to increase your earnings then the lists of Adfocus similar websites here are best for you. Similarly, if you are having problems with Adfocus and searching for better alternatives their replacement, the lists of url shorteners below are highly recommended and must join.
As usual, we have been on the internet for the past days searching and researching the whole place for the best alternatives to Adfocus and successfully found a very large lists of its similar websites. Each of the sites found was analysed carefully to determine the ones with the best features that can be better than or similar to Adfocus . We also went into critical observation to know the Highest Paying Url Shorteners Sites to be chosen by comparing their features and earning potentials.
Eventually we were able to discover a very good lists of best Adfocus alternatives we were searching for. Although some of the sites are very popular while some may not be as popular however, they have high payout rate per click and pay legitimately without complaints.
The best way to earn big with url shorteners like this is to promote your link of sites like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter or use your blog or website.
Adfocus Alternatives
Below are the lists of websites we found which have good feedbacks from their users and are the best Adfocus alternatives currently online.
Adflyis of the best Adfocus alternatives, in fact it is the one number rival of Adfocus and they have been online for 13 years and still paying without problem. They are the combination of pay per download and short url. Members can either earn through pay per download or short url. The payment methods are Paypal and Payoneer. And the minimum cashout is $10. Linkbucks is a must join website.
linkbucksis of the best Adfocus alternatives, in fact it is the one number rival of Adfocus and they have been online for 13 years and still paying without problem. They are the combination of pay per download and short url. Members can either earn through pay per download or short url. The payment methods are Paypal and Payoneer. And the minimum cashout is $10. Linkbucks is a must join website.
Ad7 another url shortener seen as a good Adfocus alternative. They have real time statistics that help members to view what is going on with their short links, number of clicks, countries the visitors come from etc and also great tools like mass shrinker, easy link and website plugin. The cashout method is Paypal and the withdrawal is automatic.
Sharecash is another site that can be used as Adfocus alternative because they have link locker that will force visitors to fill a small survey before they can proceed to the link destination. They pay up to $0.8 per survey and you can withdraw via Paypal, Payza, Payoneer, Bank Deposit etc and the minimum cashout is $10.
Dollaruploadis similar to Adfocus and you can lock your link and earn money each time the visitor click on and fill out small survey to visit the link destination. A very popular and easy to earn website. The minimum cashout is $10 and the withdrawal methods are Paypal, Payza, Payoneer, Bank Deposit.
Dreamcash is one of the legitimate sites like adfly and have been online and paying without problem. You can lock your link and get paid each time visitor click on it and fill out small survey before they can visit it destination. They pay up to $0.8 per survey and you can cashout via Paypal, Payza, payoneer etc.
Blvme is CPA network that can be Adfocus alternative but a little bit different from other url shorteners. It is more of a link locker that allows members to earn when visitor click on their link and complete a small survey before proceeding to it link destination. The more click and survey filled by your visitors the more money you make. The payment method is Paypal and minimum cashout is $5. is a new url shortener that is Adfocus alternative. They have been online for just 6 months and paying without problem. Every visitor to your link will have little and unnoticeable 5 seconds delay before they proceed to your link destination. They have Payoneer, Payza, and Paypal as payment methods and the minimum withdrawal. is Adfocus alternative site with one of the to modern innovation and fast increasing membership base. Just like other short url, members can also shrink their url and earn money when their visitor clicks on the link. They have Paypal as their only cashout method with minimum of $5.
Coinurl is another paying url shortener alternative to Adfocus . Members can earn using short link and website locker that can be used on your entire site so that anybody that visits your site will have to complete a small survey to proceed. The method is Bitcoin with the minimum cashout of $0.01
Cashyourfiles is a combination of link shrinking and pay per download features. User can either earning by shortening their links or earn by locking their files so that any visitor that downloads them will have to complete a survey that pays. The cashout ways are Check, Paypal and Direct bank deposit. The minimum requirement is $10. is a new paying link shrinker and also link locker like above mentioned site. Members can earn either by per click or pay per download just like cashyour files. Ad5 has been online and paying without problem. The minimum cashout is $5 and methods are Paypal and Payza while the minimum requirement for each cashout is $5.
Shrinkonce like ad5, is the combination of link shrinker and link locker. However they are new and paying but have been having little problem in payment recently so will be very risky to join for now. The cashout mode is Payapl and the minimum cashout is $5. is Adfocus alternative that was recommended to me by my site visitor but don’t really know if they actually pay. The payment ways Paypal, Payza and the minimum cashout is $5. is a URL shortener but also unknown like the below site. You may try them out if you want but will suggest you don’t so as to avoid time wasting.
Ity.m used to be site similar to Adfocus but now they have gone bankruptcy and out of business. It was a URL shortener too. Pays, Payza were their payment method.
Adfocus was once a paying site like Adfocus but they have now turned to scam. The payment ways were Paypal, Payza etc and the minimum cashout was $5. Please stay away from Adfocus because they are scam and will never pay you.
ILik. Is a URL shortener alternative to Adfocus but they are very new and I don’t know if they are truly paying or not. You may check them out if you want but I can’t guarantee you their legitimacy. I will rather you research about them before joining.
Ysearch is also similar to Adfocus and have been online for almost a year. I don’t know much about them. All I know is that they are URL shortener. You may investigate about them if you have have the time. is a site like Adfocus and it has been long I hear about them so I cannot promise you that they are legit. URL shortener is their feature and paypal, Payza are their payment methods.
Ad twixt used to be URL shortener that pay be recently they have turned to scam and don’t pay their members. If you join this site please don’t say I didn’t warned you. Cashout method are paypal and Payza with the minimum cashout of $5. is a URL shortner like Adfocus but they have stopped paying and cannot be trusted any more so please don’t waste your time on the site.
Hope we have been able to showing the list of all the URL shorteners sites similar to Adfocus. You may use the comment box below if you have any question or opinion or suggestion on the above Adfocus alternatives.